How do I add or edit tasks?

This article explains how users can create, edit, delete tasks

How to Add Tasks

Tasks can be added at anytime by navigating to the Task module from the left hand navigation menu.

If this is your first trip to the tasks module, there may be a few of our helpful onboarding tasks waiting for you. Don't worry though, you can complete these in your own time, or delete if you want to **see below for how to delete tasks**

Look out for the +Create Task button in the top right corner. It looks like this. Screenshot 2021-01-25 at 14.34.58

Complete the modal with the information required. If this is a Task for a colleague, make sure you are clear about what is required and when.

  • Task Name - The title and main descriptor of your tasks. This will appear in the task menu, and so should be a clear, concise understanding of the required task. Keep it short and simple.
  • Description - Now you can start to elaborate a little. This text box is for a longer form explanation at the task in hand.  
  • Scope - This drop down allows you to focus the task to a specific part of your organisation.
    • Account - Your entire Organisation
    • Location - A specific site within your organisation
    • Tag - Not always used in every Rio account, but if you are grouping your locations. Tags is the method in which you would do this.

If you cannot see the location or tag in this dropdown. Navigate over to the configuration menu, and you can add them there. 

  • Priority - The classic task management field. No explanation needed
  • Category and Subject - With these two drop downs, you can link a task to an individual section of Rio. It might be a learning objective, in which case you would select Engage, or it might be an audit for an upcoming ISO evaluation, in which case it would be Governance  and then Management Systems.
  • Owners - Each task has a creator, and associated Owners. Here you can assign ownership of the task to any other member of your Rio account. If you want to assign it to yourself, feel free, just select your name from the drop down.

As with Locations and Tags, if you cannot see the user in this dropdown, navigate over to the configuration menu, and you can add them there. 

Alternatively you can contact your Administrator or Customer Success Manager

  • Due Date - No Tasks is worth its salt without a timeframe. So you can select a due date from this dropdown. Any due date within 30 days will appear on the Owners home screen, in Governance column. Any Due Date in the past, will not only show in the home screen, but it will also show a Red Warning sign to alert the user.

How to Edit and Complete Tasks

Tasks appear all over the system. Be it linked to Aspects in your Aspect Register, assigned to a piece of legislation, or requesting that you carry out some learning.

If you know where your specific task is located then you can navigate there, or to find all tasks, as above you can navigate to the Task module from the left hand navigation menu.

The task menu is searchable and filterable in a few different ways.

You can Filter out your Completed Tasks by clicking on the toggle in the top left corner.

Depending on you access rights, you may also be able to toggle between My Tasks and All Tasks.Tasks Toggle

You are able to further search and filter using the burger menu found to the right of the column headings.

Burger Menu Tasks

Each column has the ability to text search, or manually remove common entries. You can also remove unnecessary columns. These filters will be saved for the next time you return to this Task menu.

Screenshot 2021-02-02 at 11.25.23

Once you have honed in on the tasks you need to edit. You can click anywhere on the task to open up the dedicated task page, or you can scroll to the right and click on the pencil to open up the task modal.

If there is a lot of information on the task, we would suggest using the Task Page - click anywhere on the task - as you will be able to view all the information on one page . The modal is best utilised for smaller changes, and tweaks, such as amending a review date.

To complete the task, open up the Task Modal, scroll to the bottom, and check the completed box.

If you have completed this Task in error, you can always search for the task using the Completed Task toggle, mentioned above, edit, and uncheck the completed box.

Screenshot 2021-02-02 at 11.50.16

How to Delete Tasks

You cannot undo deletion of tasks manually. If you have deleted a Task, and cannot recreate it. Please contact Support

To delete the task, open up the Task Modal, scroll to the bottom, and hit the delete button in the bottom left corner.

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