How do I use the Master Dashboard?

Compare data over time and identify key insights driving change between selected periods

Rio visualises your data in multiple ways through the reports available in the reporting tab. Alongside the core reports for each utility (electricity, gas, waste, water, transport), as well as the carbon report, you can also view and interrogate your organisation's data in the Master Dashboard.

The Master Dashboard allows you to compare data across two periods, and sort by the largest % increase or decrease between those periods per location or tag.

The Master Dashboard can help you answer questions like :

  • My December electricity data is really low this month- which sites are showing the largest decrease compared to November?
  • How much has my data changed from Q3 of this year vs Q3 of the previous year?
  • Which sites had the highest consumption in Q1 vs Q2?
  • Between 2021 and 2022 what were the top 10 sites with the most consumption? Are they the same in both years? 
  • Which sites are emitting the most carbon in 2022 vs our baseline year?

How do I navigate the Master Dashboard?


Each tab of the master dashboard indicates the utility data set it will analyse data for. 

Once you have navigated to the Master Dashboard (Reporting>Master Dashboard) select the utility you wish to analyse from the tabs at the top of the dashboard. 

Once you have selected the data type you would like to analyse, you can select the data periods, specific locations, or tags in the filters.

 First, select the reporting period (granularity) you would like to compare (Would you like to compare months, quarters, years, or six-month periods?)

Once you have selected your desired data granularity, you can select the two time periods (Period 1 and Period 2).

If you have selected data granularity which is greater than one month (quarterly, annually, six-monthly) the date you select for period 1 and 2 will cover the start of that desired reporting period. 

For example, if you want to compare Q1 of 2021 and 2022, you can select January from the "period start" filter, and the dashboard will pull in data for January, February, and March.  

Please note: The filters for Period 1 and Period 2 are designed to present data for which there is no overlap. For example, if you select Q1 2021 and January as your start date for Period 1, Period 2 will not provide the option to select January, February, or March of 2021 

If a month or year is not available from the drop down in one period, it is due to overlap in the other period. 

If your organisation has tagged any locations, you can also select the locations with that tag under the tag filter. 

Consumption Tables

Once you've filtered for the desired periods you want to compare, the dashboard will present the change between periods in cost and consumption. 

In the dashboard image above, the left panel shows change in consumption and to the right, cost. The tiles across the top summarise the total cost and consumption in the selected periods and overall % change between the two.

In this instance, Period 1 consumed a total of 6,080,180 kWh and Period 2 consumed 4,604,224  kWh, resulting in a 24% decrease from period 1 to period 2. 

You can expand the tables by hovering over the table, and selecting the maximize button which appears in the top right corner of the tile. 

You can export the table into an excel or csv file by selecting the menu options button, which appears to the right of the maximize button.

To sort the data by location, click on the desired column header you wish to sort by and the option to do so in ascending or descending order will appear. 


In addition to % change, you can also sort by consumption to view the highest and lowest consumers per each period. This functionality can help you gain insights on which locations are contributing the most to the overall change between selected periods in your organisation.