What can a Business Admin do in the Rio platform?
Organisations can configure new users based on specified access types dependent on the user's role and responsibility for viewing, uploading, or managing data and configured information in the Rio platform.
A Business Admin user will have the highest level of access in the Rio platform for an organisation.
Business Admins in Rio can:
- Manage configuration (Such as create and edit locations, configure new meters, create new waste contractors and carries, update tags, add/remove users, etc.)
- Upload data
- Roll back (or delete) data
- View transaction tables of data
- Export data from Rio's transaction tables
- Export data from Rio's reporting dashboards
- Upload, view, and delete documents
- Create Tasks
- Access Rio Learn content
Business Admins will have access to all information for their respective account in Rio, and are managed by your Rio Consultant during onboarding. If you require a similar level of access but restricted to tags or locations, please reach out to your Rio Consultant or account Business Admin to request a different access level.
Why have Business Admins?
Business Admins in Rio are considered the organisation's key owners of the sustainability data managed in the platform. Sometimes also referred to as a "super user" a Business Admin will have full access to the data, reporting, and configuration areas of the Rio platform.
How to gain access:
- Once your organisation agrees on the users who will be granted access as Business Admins, you will receive an email from Rio inviting you to set up an account in the platform.
- Follow the link included in the email to Rio.
- You will then be prompted to create your unique login details.
- Once complete you will be able to access the Rio platform.