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Environmental Management System (e.g. ISO14001)

This provides an overview of the EMS section within the management system and standards and how you can use it to build your EMS manual.


The Environmental Management System (e.g. ISO14001) tool within Rio is provided to help you build your own EMS manual.  An EMS manual isn't a requirement of a functioning EMS, however it can be useful to ensure that you've addressed the key components of maintaining it.  The EMS manual can also be a useful tool and guide that can be used for auditors.

The EMS manual isn't designed to create more documentation or administrative burden, it should be used to inform people as to how you conduct and implement its requirements, as well a means to signpost users to additional information and tools.

The EMS manual can be found within the Governance/Management Systems and Standards are of Rio (if you are subscribed to it).

What is ISO14001 and the Management System Breakdown?

ISO14001:2015 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). It provides a framework that an organisation can follow, rather than establishing environmental performance requirements. ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organisation seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.

The section numbering in the “management system breakdown” relate to the common format for ISO management system standards.

Rio has used the numbering and naming conventions from the clauses of ISO14001:2015 in the “management system breakdown" for consistency and ease of auditing/certification (if your organisation wished to gain certification against the standard).

If you would like further information on the standard and where to purchase a copy then please click here.

Screenshot 2021-05-05 at 14.17.08The numbered sections of the EMS that have an arrow next to them can be extended to reveal the sub-sections of the 'Management System Breakdown'.

Depending on your user level/access rights you will have the ability to edit the content of 'overview' text of the standard to reflect how you will manage your own EMS.  Alternatively, if you have procured the standard you may just want to start by pasting in the requirements of the standard to get started.


What is the Evidence Library?

Within the management system users can also upload supporting evidence and information relating to their EMS.  This may include links to documents such as company procedures, organograms outlining peoples roles and responsibilities in relation to the EMS.

When a document is uploaded into the Evidence library it will automatically be added to the appropriate folder within 'Documents'.  The Documents system will also apply the appropriate Management System Reference that related to the clause of Management System i.e. 'EMS 9.2'.

For further information about document please read 'How to search for documents'

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