This article explains how users can search for documents which have been uploaded to Rio
Finding and using the Documents page
First, you will need to navigate to the Documents area of Rio which can be found in the main left hand navigation menu.
The Documents page operates a type of filing system, allowing you to narrow down your document search by selecting the appropriate folders.
Documents can be searched for or accessed via Document tables
Search for Documents
If you have a high volume of documents or use multiple folders the most efficient way to find a document is to use the 'Search Documents....' option in the Documents area landing page. The same search can be carried out within sub-folders:
Using the Search Documents bar
It is important to note that you don't need to know the exact name of the document you are searching for in order to find it in Rio. Our search function works so that you can enter a part of the name and be able to find the document.
For example if the document you are looking for is called:
'Block C electricity 01/06/2020 - INV1234'
You could search for 'Block C electricity', '01/06/2020' or 'INV1234' in order to narrow the search for your document.
Once you have found your document you can then select it from the list by clicking into it from the list of documents the table. Once selected you will be taken to a document summary that provides information about the documents credentials. From this page you can then open, edit or delete the document using the buttons in the top right hand corner of the page:
An explanation of the document credentials are outlined below:
- Review Date: a date you can enter to remind users when a document should be reviewed
- *Document ID: this is the document name (*this name changes dependant on the folder into which the document is saved into)
- Supplier: field for capturing and searching for an associated supplier, i.e. Electricity Provider or Waste Contractor
- Management System Reference: an automated reference number matching the associated clause in a Management System
- Uploaded on: date at which the document was loaded into Rio
- Uploaded by: name of the person who uploaded the document
- Last updated on: the date on which any given document credentials were edited
- Last updated by: the name of the person who edited a documents credentials
- Tag: ability to assign (and restrict) documents to a selected group of locations
- Notes: section where additional notes relating to a document can be reported
Document tables
Documents within folders, or multiple documents identified from a search will be listed within a Document table. Documents within this table can be sorted and filtered using the filter options at the top of each column:
Documents from this list can be accessed by clicking into the relevant row of the table where they can be subsequently opened/downloaded. Alternatively you can choose to export multiple documents.
Exporting multiple documents
If you want to download more than one document at a time this can be achieved by checking the relevant boxes within the 'Export' column of Documents table and clicking the 'Export Selected' button. Undertaking this action will download a zip file containing a folder of all your selected documents.
Multiple documents can also be exported using the 'Export Page' button. This action will export all the documents that are listed within Document table that are currently in view:
To learn about mass exporting your documents please take a look at this article: How do I export my data and information from Rio?