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How do I export my data and information from Rio?

This article will let you know how to export various bits of data, information and documents you have in Rio.

Exporting information from tables

There are a number of different tables within the Governance (Legislation, EMS Aspects & Impacts register), Data and Tasks areas of Rio that can be filtered and organised to help you find and extract the information you need.

Data can be exported from any table by right clicking with your mouse. When you right click the following option will appear that allows you to export your data into a spread sheet. Any filters applied in your table prior to exporting will be applied to the spread sheet output.  When exporting please make sure that you don't navigate away from the page in Rio, otherwise your export will be cancelled.

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We recommend that you only attempt to export less than 10,000 rows of data at any one time (depending on your internet speed).  If your internet speed isn't great it could take you a while, or could result in a 'time out'.  If you think you need to export more than this amount at any one time, then please contact one of the Rio team.

Further information relating to the use of these tables can be found in this article  How do I use filters in Rio tables?


Exporting data from report dashboards

Within the 'Reporting' area of Rio is where you'll be able to find a range of dashboards to help you view your data in a range of formats to help you better understand your organisations performance.  By clicking the top 'Controls' bar at the top of each dashboard a range of different filter options will be uncovered:

Screenshot 2021-04-26 at 10.17.38

Using these controls you can filter your data as you see fit, whether that be by date, location, supplier etc.  Once filtered you can then export the data to csv from the dashboard by clicking on the 3 dots Screenshot 2021-04-26 at 10.24.21 in the individual dashboard menu.  Once exported to csv the data can be viewed in your preferred spread sheet software.

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If you want to export an entire dashboard then there is a print icon Screenshot 2021-04-26 at 10.33.08in the top right hand corner of the report page.  Using the print icon you can either send the dashboard screen to your printer or download the image as a pdf file.  Please note that this function will print the entire dashboard page, rather than individual charts.  If you need to export an individual chart you'll need to take screen grab/print screen.


How do I export my documents?

Once you have searched and filtered for the documents you want to export you can either select the individual documents you want to export using the 'select' check box option on the left of the document list.  Once selected the 'Exported Selected' option will become available.

Alternatively you can choose to 'Export Page'.  If this is selected then the entire list of documents on that page will be exported.  Please note this will only export those documents that are 'in view'. 

Please take look at this article to learn more about navigating the documents page: How to search for documents