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  3. Account Management: Configuring your Organisation in Rio

How to edit locations

This article will show you how to update any configured locations individually or in bulk

Single Location Update 

To update a single location in Rio: 

Navigate to the location table (as shown immediately below). 

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Hover the cursor to the right of each field to reach the filter function i.e. click on the 3 lines when shown (as shown immediately below). 

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Once selected, the following window is presented; 

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To find the location you are seeking to edit search for the Name (if filtering the name column), Postcode (if filtering the postcode column) Country (if filtering the country column) or any other identifying columns.


Once located, select the pencil icon under the Actions heading (as shown immediately below). 

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Once selected this will present the original Location modal ready to be updated. Once updated, select Update Location. 


Updating multiple locations in bulk

If you need to edit multiple locations at once (perhaps you now know the occupation end dates for 30 of your sites, or you wish to update all 1000 location names to better align with your operational teams) you can update any characteristic of an existing location in bulk by exporting an existing location list, making any appropriate updates, and re-uploading into Rio.  

Please note,  if you wish to delete a location, please reach out to your Rio consultant as this is a system administrator task. 

To create new locations in Rio, please see our support article on  How to add locations article here. 


To make any updates to existing locations in bulk:

Navigate your way to the configuration pane on the left-hand side of the screen 

Next, click on the Locations tab (note: you will be able to see all locations currently configured in  Rio in a table – as shown immediately below). 

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Now click on the Export button in the top right-hand corner: 

A blue rectangle with white text

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Once selected ,the following modal will appear: 

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Select “Use default” – Once selected Rio will start the process of exporting all previously configured locations to an Excel Spreadsheet. 

Once the export has been completed the following notifications will appear: 

In the top right-hand corner of the screen; 

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At the bottom of your page :

Note: the number of successfully exported locations will also be shown i.e. 243/243 


Once the export has been completed, navigate to the downloads folder on your desktop and open the recently exported file from Rio. 

Next, update all necessary location fields (i.e. Name, Address 1, Address 2 etc.): 

  •  Rio exports all tags in a single column. Prior to reuploading you will need to split these tags so there is one tag per column.
    • This can be done in the location list excel by:

      1. Select the tags column
      2. Navigate to data in the top excel ribbon
      3. Select "Text to Columns"
      4. Select "Delimited"
      5. Tick "Comma" from the list of delimiters
      6. Select "next" and "finish"
    •  Please ensure these columns do not overwrite any existing columns when they are separated. (You may need to add a few blank columns to the data set prior to separating your tags) 
  • Note: Whilst you can update the Tags field (i.e. add or remove)  you cannot create new tags during this bulk location update. If you wish to add new tags, you  will need to add those under Tags configuration first then you can update your locations in bulk with those new tags– see here for how to use and configure Tags in Rio 
  • Note: You will notice that in the far-right column of the exported Excel spreadsheet is a unique ID, DO NOT amend this. Each location is assigned a unique identifier enabling Rio to recognise any updates to previously configured locations. Were this ID to be amended, Rio will not recognise updates to previously configured locations


When all updates have been completed, save the file to the desired location (desktop/one-drive/SharePoint site). 

Time to re-upload! Select the blue upload button at the top of the page: 
A blue rectangle with white text

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That’s it! Once you have successfully re-uploaded your amended location file, all amended locations will update in Rio without generating any duplicates.

Please note Rio will accept the most recent location list upload as the final list in Configuration. If an older version of the file is uploaded at a later date, Rio will update to those changes accordingly.