How do I link tasks?

This article explains how you can link tasks to specific features in Rio and assign them to team members.

First, to learn how to navigate to the Tasks tab you should take a look at our article title "How do I add or edit tasks?"

Once you have arrived at the Tasks dashboard, and have selected the +Create Task button in the top left hand corner. You will be able to see the modal to create a task and the information to include. 

What is a handy with the Tasks feature is that you are able to link it to specific categories within Rio and also assign tasks to specific team members. 

Let's take a look at how to do that and some of the options for assigning tasks. 

If you choose the Category as 'Governance', the following options will drop down under Subject:

  • Legislation 
  • Policies
  • Management Systems 
  • Targets
  • Aspects & Impacts 

If you choose the Category as 'Data', the following options will drop down under Subject

  • Waste
  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Transport

You are able to select 'Engage, Reporting, or Documents' as the Category- it is just important to note that there will be no associated Subject drop down for those categories. 

This feature is handy because it allows you to specify the nature of the tasks and link them to the other features within Rio - acting as a holistic project management tools for managing your environmental management system.