This support page will explain how to view, navigate, and manage your organisation's waste data once it is uploaded into Rio
We understand your waste data may not always be available in the same format. Sourced from different waste contractors, covering different waste streams, containers and being treated in different ways. All this data can be hard to handle and consolidate into one place.
Rio allows you to upload your data in number of ways and create import templates to simplify the process. This support page will explain how to view, navigate, and access your organisation's data once it is uploaded into Rio.
You can view your organisation’s raw or visualised waste data in Rio by navigating to two places in the platform's navigation menu:
Data and Reporting
What is Data in the navigation menu?
This area of Rio holds all data that has been uploaded to the platform and is organised by utility. To view data for a specific utility, select Data then the respective tile in the data table.
To navigate to all waste data, for example, you can select the Waste data tile.
This brings you to your waste transactions table.
What is a transactions table?
The Transactions Table holds all individual records for the selected utility type. These records are referred to as transactions in Rio.
Waste transactions are organised by collection date and the ‘Waste-Out Location’ (collection point). For each transaction there are certain mandatory fields that are required to ensure that you can demonstrate your ‘Duty of Care’, understand your ‘waste hierarchy performance’ and any associated carbon emissions (please review some of the waste eLearning courses for information). The mandatory waste data fields are the following:
- Collection date: provides an auditable transaction date
- Waste-Out Location – point of collection of the waste stream
- Waste-In Location – the place where the waste was subsequently treated or disposed
- Waste Stream – name of the waste stream collected e.g. general waste, glass, plastic, cardboard etc
- EWC Code – European Waste Catalogue code (a six digit identifier)
- Treatment Process – the method used to manage the waste stream
- This determines the waste hierarchy applied and subsequent carbon calculations
- Container type – the vessel in which the waste presented
- Quantity – the weight of the waste
- Unit of Weight – ‘t’ (tonnes) or ‘kg’ (kilograms)
- ACT/EST – Whether the weight value is a result of a weighing system or an estimate based on a waste volume
There are a number of additional non-mandatory fields to record financial data, waste transfer note and consignment note references etc.
Each column header can be filtered to view all transactions for a desired location, waste stream or date range. To filter any column, simply hover over the column heading until the filter menu appears, select the filter icon, and indicate your desired fields to filter.
You can also export any data in the transactions table into an excel or CSV file. For support on how to export data from the transactions table, please see our page: "How do I export my data and information from Rio?"
Each transaction is linked to the supporting documentation that was originally uploaded into Rio and is accessible under the upload reference column.
You can view the original upload file by selecting the hyperlink in the upload reference column associated with each transaction and Rio will download the excel version of the original upload.
You can also navigate to a view of all files, their upload status, and uploader by selecting “upload data” at the top of the transactions table.
This will take you to a record of all uploads (including the upload file name, user responsible for uploading each file, timestamp, and any files that have been rolled back) as well as the option to upload data. For detailed upload instructions to help you get your data into Rio, you can find our data upload support under our page: "How do I Upload Data?"
How do I know how the waste hierarchy has been applied to my organisation’s waste?
The waste hierarchy provides a breakdown of how much of your treated waste is ultimately re-used, recycled, recovered, or disposed. This is determined by the treatment process that has been applied to your waste stream. Waste prevention should be your ultimate aim.
Within Configuration/Waste Configuration/Waste Hierarchies it’s possible to see how the waste hierarchy has been attributed to each treatment process. Within Rio it’s possible to adjust the these factors for an individual treatment facility. (Please ask your account manager for more details).
When the final fate of a waste treatment process is not known Rio will apply an ‘unknown’ factor to the waste hierarchy. User should contact their respective waste contractors to determine the end fate of their waste streams.
How do I know how carbon conversion factors have been applied to my organisation’s waste?
Rio utilises the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) methodology for applying carbon conversion factors to waste that can be used for GHG Scope 3 reporting. These factors cover the industry average factors relating to the collection and subsequent movement of the wastes, but do not quantify the environmental impact of different waste management options, only landfill emissions that are attributed to the waste producer. BEIS use this methodology is to avoid the ‘double counting’ of carbon emissions of waste at the final point of treatment/disposal.
However Rio further refines this methodology though by attributing waste hierarchy performance to different waste treatment processes.
It should be noted that the waste hierarchy is a better metric than carbon accounting to monitor your waste management performance from a full life cycle and circular economy perspective.
What is Reporting in the Navigation Menu?
All data loaded to the transactions tables flows into your organisation’s selected energy and emissions reports.
Rio offers dynamic carbon and waste reporting, which your account manager can configure based on your organisation’s subscription and needs. These reports are accessible by selecting Reporting in the navigation bar.
The waste report selected below visualises all waste generation, total spend, carbon, diversion from disposal, and waste hierarchy performance.
You can filter in the dashboards by selecting in the controls panel what type of data you would like to see. Rio offers the ability to view data for certain periods, locations, contractor and waste stream. You can also easily reset the filters by selecting reset filters at the top of the dashboard.
Can I sort and expand data tables in Rio’s Reports?
To sort, expand or export your data, hover over the top right corner of each table or graph until the icon appears to “maximise” the data set. To sort your data, you can also hover over the column header for any of the data columns in the tables.
If you need to save a snapshot of your waste report, this can be done by selecting the download icon in the top corner of the dashboard above the filters, which allows you to print or generate a PDF of the selected view.