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  2. Configuration
  3. Account Access: Configuring and Updating Users

How do configure users in Rio

This article explains how already existing users can add new users to their account.

Who can add a new user? 

Not all users have the ability to configure new accounts.

Based on your user permissions, you may not have access to account configuration, and therefore cannot add users. Do reach out to your Rio consultant if your user level needs to be updated.  

Rio Champions and Business Admins can add users, while Read Only or Contributor access levels cannot. If you do not see the same account configuration options below, it is because you have been given Contributor or Read Only access to the platform.  

If you are a Business Admin or Rio Champion:

1. Navigate to the Users page in Configuration

First, you will need to navigate to the Users section through the Configuration tab. 

Select Users in the configuration menu (as shown below).  

A screenshot of a computer

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2. Add new users  

To add a new user, select the blue "+Add Users" button at the top of the page  

From here you will see the following pop-up window, scrolling down the pop up, you will enter all details regarding the user you would like to add.  

A screenshot of a computer

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Note: Before adding a user, review the list of already existing users to ensure you are not duplicating an account which already exists. You can filter and search for key words by selecting three lines along each column header.  


3. Complete the modal with the information required.  

Mandatory fields which must be populated:  

  • Email Address 
  • First Name 
  • Last Name 
  • User Type – choose between Business Admin, Rio Champion, Contributor, and Read Only. These different user types allow users to have different access levels to the platform. Business admins will have the highest level of access, with  Read Only the most limited. A limited number of Business Admins can be added for each account, please ask within your organisation what the limit is for your account. 
  • Access Level – This can can be configured either at an account, location, or tag level. This allows the restriction of users to view certain aspects of the platform if desired. For example, users restricted to a specific location or tag will only be able to see data related to this location or tag. The “Account” access level will give the user access to all the data available in the platform for your account.  

Optional fields:  

  • Phone Number 
  • Mobile Number 
  • Job Title 
  • Department 

4. Submit  

Once the relevant information had been added, select  Send invitation. 

A screenshot of a phone number

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The new user will receive an invitation to join the platform via email to create and configure their password and log into their account. 

Congratulations! You have successfully added a new user to the platform.  

Adding new users if your account utilises Microsoft SSO

Please note that if your account utilises a Single Sign-On, the process for adding new users will vary slightly. 

All users who log into Rio by SSO will automatically be configured as Rio Learn users by default. This means they will not have access to any data in the platform. Business Admins and Rio Champions will need to update their user type and access level accordingly. For more information on utilising SSO see our article here: